Saturday, February 2, 2008

ah, sweet misery

It's day forty-seven of "the cold from down under". Really, it's not. It's more like day seven. However, after four days without sleep, I have now fallen into the "I've slept for three days straight" phase. I suspect that I was so much more entertaining the first four days. Everything around the house has suffered the last three days. I looked at the kitchen counter this morning and thought "it looks normal around here again." Gone are the days when I was home 24/7 and the house was reasonably clean. So I am trying to muster up the energy to clean something. Maybe myself? The Boy has a sweet sixteen party to go to tonight and I need to go in and socialize for a moment or two. I suspect he would prefer that I be reasonably clean when I do so. Probably more than he would prefer a clean counter. Dh has offered to go to the grocery for me and perhaps Cinderella will offer to do some laundry. And I can go back to bed. And try to sleep this cold away.

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