Yesterday I had to go see the keeper of the medieval torture device (better known as the doctor and his evil henchman, The Scale). This time, however, I emerged victorious. I lost four pounds. When the doctor and I were talking later, he asked if I had been trying to lose weight. I looked at him and said, "aren't women always trying to lose weight?" Because truthfully, even when we aren't actively trying, aren't we at least thinking about it? Anyway, I suppose my victory was short-lived, because he has decided that I need further tests done on my heart (for crying out loud, I am 43 years old. Too young for this nonsense.) And to show the depth of my character, rather than worry about my health or heart or any such thing, all I could hear was the cacophony of cash register sounds indicating the cost of such testing. Sigh.
Jonathan survived and enjoyed his trip into culture last night. (I prefer to think of him as going to the symphony rather than a musical extravaganza of video game music. It sounds so much more distinguished.) He hasn't told me too much about it yet because I was sleeping when he got home and he is sleeping now. But as soon as I hear the exciting details, I will pass them along. I am sure you are hanging on the edge of your seat!
I also plan, if time permits, to catch up on some things on here today. I have a couple of awards to pass along and a meme that is long overdue. (Sorry, Lori.) So, if I am a good girl and get my things done (grocery, laundry, ironing, watering, pet care, and so forth) then I will be back on here, rambling on about other things.
Enjoy the day!
Have a great weekend. Congrats on the 4 lbs.
there are a few blurry pics on facebook courtesy of corey.
Karen you are in my prayers...
I am praying your heart is okay! Yes, you are too young to be having problems. Yes, I want to hear all about your son's concert! Wake that boy up! Wait, I'm sure he's already told you all about it. My son would love it! Actually, truth be known, I would love it, too! Hurry up and get your work done so you can get back here and tell us more!
Much Love, Karen!
Angie xoxo
p.s. For some reason your blog makes me use exclamation points WAY too often. That's a good thing! :)
You have a way of sandwiching the serious and the fun, and I am laughing and crying, concerned and smiling knowingly all in the same post. I am praying for your tests to come back okay and not break the bank either. You are so dear to me. Love, Annette
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