Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Several months ago, my daughter introduced me to the concept of Glee. I'd heard her talk about it, of course. But since she'd used the same glowing descriptions towards the Office, and I found it's humor more awkward than funny, I just put her fascination with all things Glee down to a personal preference. However, one weekend when I was recovering from some ailment, I sat, mesmerized, watching all the episodes from the first DVD set. I was hooked. And now, even though I often disagree with the moral choices and so forth, I still enjoy the "show choir" music.

Last nights episode dealt with dreams. As in, the glee club dreams of their future...mostly dreams of stardom. Realistically, we know that everyone will not reach stardom but the point of the episode was that at this moment in time, they still had dreams. Big dreams. A hope for their future.

I've spent the last few months thinking about dreams. Circumstances this past year have forced us to reevaluate and let go of certain dreams we've had. In all honesty, there have been days where I've feared that these dreams were dead. Gone. Never to be seen again. And when that dream belongs to your child, it's a hard thing to face. Because you want them to have everything they hope for.

However, here's the thing I've discovered. I don't control my child's future. God does. And my God already knows the path, the obstacles, the adventures ahead. I found this little graduation statue at LifeWay recently and the base that the little grad dude stands on reads, "They will soar on wings like eagles." That's a promise/dream/prayer this mama can wrap her hands around.

And as for my child....I'll be reminding him to rest on this:


Jessi said...

The Office was just funny. Glee is magical. There's a difference. I'm glad you like it. And glad things are looking up!
Just for fun, you should have posted the Safety Dance. ^_^

annette said...

"Now life has killed the dream I dreamed..." Life has a way of stomping on us. I'm so thankful for our hope in Christ Jesus. You are in my prayers, Karen, for restored hope and peace. I know my life looks very different than what I would have guessed twenty years ago, and I'm thankful I didn't have it all figured out--it's so much better not to have all the answers but to walk forward in faith. Love you, Annette