Monday, November 12, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness-Day 12ish

I had a doctor's appointment today.  Actually, it was a follow up appointment that was made six weeks earlier to confirm that my medication adjustments are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  However, the problem with my hands is getting progressively worse, with obvious weakness, extreme pain and difficulty doing simple tasks.  While I was there, the doctor ordered additional x-rays done and scheduled an MRI.  We then scheduled another follow up appointment, this one in less than 4 weeks, and made another medication adjustment.  

What is the point of my sharing this exciting portion of my life story?  I knew six weeks ago that I was going to the doctor today.  I knew exactly when I was going, who my doctor was going to be and what was going to happen when I got there.  I know (approximately) the cost and I know that my insurance company will pay a portion of the bill.   I have complete faith that whatever tests need to be done will be done.  I know that my prescriptions will be filled and I know that if my physical condition worsens, the doctor is only a phone call away.  There are also several hospitals available to me if I need that kind of care.  

But it's not this way for everyone.    My beautiful Natacha, who is 8, lives in Burkina Faso.  According to UNICEF:    Around one fifth of all children die before they reach the age of five. 
The major causes of this high child mortality in Burkina Faso are malaria; vaccine-preventable diseases like measles; under-nutrition; diarrhea; and acute respiratory infections due to dust pollution.  A 2003 study showed that 39% of all Burkina children under five were underweight, evidence of widespread chronic under-nutrition. Nineteen per cent of under-fives suffered from acute under-nutrition, or wasting.

So, I am thankful.  


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