Friday, February 29, 2008

Shyness, VBS and the will of God

I have to do something that I don't want to do. I've laughed about it, poked fun about it, complained about it to various people that I know. I'm not sure that they know how much I really don't want to do it, though. See, here's the deal. I am basically a shy person. (I know, everyone who knows me would dispute this but the reason they don't think I'm shy is because they know me. Or, more accurately, I know them.) I hate to speak publicly. Ick. With a capital I. However, we are doing a Vacation Bible School workshop at the local christian book store where I work. I don't mind organizing these events. They can be fun. (If it tells you anything, inventory is my favorite time of the year.) This year, though, we are having trouble finding presenters.

So, I am going to present the Group VBS information.

Four times.

In front of a bunch (anywhere from 5 to 100) of people I do not know. (Although truthfully, after almost 20 years here, I suspect I will know some of them.)

I have been reading Chuck Swindoll's Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication lately and some of the things that he has been talking about are really speaking to me. One thing that he talks about is how God stretches us and grows us so that we will be ready to do the job that He set before us. He then goes on to say, "So when the call comes, his only response is a quiet and reluctant, "I'm here." Believe it or not, that's all God wanted to hear. It's still true today. That's all He wants to hear from you when He speaks."

So I have to wonder if this is God having me do this.

To stretch and grow my speaking skills.

Of course, I don't want to think that it really might be. Because if it is a God thing, His will, then I have to obey.

Without the grumbling or whining.

The silver lining to this whole VBS thing though just may be the same as what happened to Moses when he turned to check out the burning bush. As Chuck puts it, "Moses did just that, (referring to his checking out the burning bush) and when he did, he came face to face with his destiny." Not that my destiny is necessarily tied up with Group VBS. But just maybe my destiny is tied up with small steps of obedience to my Lord.


annette said...

"Inventory is my favorite time of year" speaks volumes. I bet you are very good at speaking, and I really don't know anyone who LIKES to do it. You are in my prayers for the confidence and joy in the process. Thank you for your sweet note yesterday. I think Winnie the Pooh is becoming one of my favorites also. love, annie

Momala said...

I'm sure you'll do great at your presentation! And remember, God will give you the strength to do what He asks you to do. You can rely on Him!

Angela Baylis said...

Someone just talked about reading John Ortberg's book, "Get out of the boat". I think that's the title. You are definitely getting out of the boat. You will do great! Keep us posted!
Angie xoxo