Monday, April 14, 2008

Cover to Cover

I realize I am a little late with this. All I can say is that I have butterflies for brains these days. (Must be spring in the air!) Anyway, if you are looking for a deeper insight than what you'll find here, check out Annette, Bev, Ang and 'Nise. Here goes...

Why harden your hearts as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened theirs? When He afflicted them, didn't they send Israel away, and Israel left? 1 Samuel 6:6

This was a statement the priests and diviners made when they were asked what the Philistines should do with the ark. The first thing that struck me about this statement was that obviously the pagan priests knew who God was and what He could do. So I wondered why they chose not to believe in the one true God when they understood His power. It seemed to me that there was a wealth of wisdom in their statements but a wealth of ignorance in their actions. And it hit me that I am no different. I know who He is and what He wants of me, yet I still chase my idols. And He keeps getting my attention. Thank you, Lord!

May He keep getting your attention as well.


Angela Baylis said...

May I chase after Him instead of anything and everything else! I love how you take one thing and make it HUGE for me. I know He is all I need! Thank you, Karen!


annette said... did you do that? Now you see it now you don't trick? That was good. You are not the only one convicted on this point. May we be more about Him and nothing else. In the words of Paul, "I want to KNOW Christ!" Love you, Annette

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

How did you do that!!!????!!!!!
I love the "chase."
Very moving Karen...
moving us all to our God...
so delighted you joined us...
and you can leave
one comment or
as many as you want.
Great job! Bev