I am mostly a "glass half full" kinda gal. I have been told on more than one occasion that my ability to look for the sunshine and roses in a bad situation can be annoying. (which is really strange because I don't consider myself to be an optimist. I just prefer to look for the sunflower side of life.)
However, I am finding myself struggling a bit this week. I know very few people who have absolute job security, our family included. (actually, as I was typing, I realized that I could think of quite a few. Pollyanna lives!) Jessi has had to deal with furlough days at her work to help balance the city budget. (My response was to name all her friends who work with her and remind her that furlough days mean that they all get to keep their jobs right now. Which is a good point until you go to pay your bills and realize that you are missing several days of pay from the aforementioned furlough days. On the other hand, she still lives at home and doesn't really have that many bills.)
I have also worked where I work long enough (almost 21 years) to realize that christian retail is not exempt from lay-offs and hard times. The corporate portion of our company had lay-offs last August. I suspect that the retail division may do the same sometime later this year. Not to mention the fact that one of our christian retail competitors recently closed their store here. (I find it terribly sad that a city this size could not or would not support three christian retailers. I'd like to think that there are more than enough churches and Christians in our fair city to give business to all of us.)
Anyway, Josh found out on Friday that they are having their salaries reduced at his work in order to avoid lay-offs for now. I am most appreciative that they are taking this approach. I don't want anyone to be laid off. My problem is...the thing that I am having trouble finding the rainbow in...what I cannot wrap my head around is...if there really is a need to trim salaries and ponder lay-offs...then why on earth are they taking management on an all expenses paid trip to a famous gambling location? Any thoughts?
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I almost lost my lunch when I read that last part!!!! That type of stuff really makes me mad!!! I could just preach a sermon here, but will leave you with the fact that I just prayed for you and will continue to pray.
Maybe they feel ok with it because they haven't received bail-out funds. Time had quotes from Wells Fargo people about a planned trip this week. Maybe all bankers were invited.
WF backed out after all the scrutiny though.
I think the leaders of many businesses and leaders of the USA are out of touch with we the people...I think the gambling trip was cancelled over the weekend...
As hard as it can be with all the doom and gloom in the news, let's endeavor to keep our eyes on the Lord and the manna He will provide.
Love, Annette
my husband was informed his salary would be cut 30% immediately in january. he is now making what he made 25 years ago. i am a part time merchandiser for a card company trying to figure out where/what i can do more to help. i have taken on more accounts. we are so greatful right now for our jobs and paid health care but, and that is a big but the bottom could fall out at any time. i admit we are both very worried, very. our story is not unique i know.
the last thought on the paid junket blows my mind too.
Oh Yes I have thoughts but they are not very nice right now! :(
The incongruence of it all bothers me, too. It seems to be everywhere. I am praying for you and so many who are out of work or not being paid right now. My brother was laid off, and he is 57, so it's hard. Annette H is right. Our focus in not on the temporal, but it is a challenge to stay focused on Him. He always has been our only Source. Love and prayers, Annette G
Hey, Karen.
I just sent you and e-mail, but should have read this first. I'm praying for all of us to continue to keep Him as our center in the midst of it all. I'm praying for those who don't have a Savior during these VERY stressful days. I'm right there with you and have been concerned as well.
Love you,
Your title grabbed my attention. I am also called Pollyanna, trying valiantly to keep my rose colored glasses on in the midst of chaos. Our household has tales to tell too of our adjustments to cutbacks, as most do. It's a good thing that Jesus is the New Testament Ark and we can run into His shelter.
I agree with you, sending people on a trip when other people might be losing their jobs entirely does seem a little...odd.
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