I've pondered this thing called "gratitude" as I've begun my my list of
a thousand gifts. I sought the
definition of gratitude and had to smile at the footnote that instructed me to "see grace." (Is that not the truth?) When I searched
here, I was delighted to find this instruction from our Lord in the Message--
"Your cleansed and grateful life, not your words, will bear witness to what I have done." I need no other encouragement. I want my life to be one of gratitude that reflects and honors Him...I want others to see Him through His work in my life.
These were just a few of the things that I've been grateful for this past week:
...for the care of an older sister as she reads to her younger brother late into the night, hoping to bring him some comfort as he wrestles with illness.
...for the delicate shades of color as a new plant blossoms in our little corner of the world.

...for the comfort of knowing that believers are praying as we struggle through a difficult time.
...for a husband who enjoys creating beautiful things and spent days creating a tropical garden in our not-so-tropical backyard.

...for family who comes to our aid when we have no idea how to unclog an air conditioner line or fix a broken part on a car or caulk a bathtub.
...for unusually cool days this July. I've seen so many glorious skies, uncluttered by the sweltering heat and smog that normally smothers us this time of year.
Isaiah and the fact that his love and obedience of God outweighed his fear of what man would do to him as a prophet. Each year as I read through this book, I see so many beautiful pictures of
the God who pursues us that I cannot help but be grateful. (and hope that I too might be just as obedient.)
Won't you take a moment today and
write down the gifts He has blessed you with? It just might change the way you see your life...