Your cleansed and grateful life, not your words, will bear witness to what I have done.
Matthew 8:3
Counting these blessings over the past days...
The last of the plumeria blooming beautifully...(before they head off to their winter home in my mother-in-law's spare shower.)

a man-child who still has some boy in him...(I came down to breakfast to find dragons battling it out on the counter.)

Possibly the last blooms from the tropical garden Josh put in this summer. (since we are not tropical climate dwellers, most of the garden will be dug up to be replanted next spring.)

freshly laundered quilts and blankets as we prepare for cooler fall nights...
We're making the transition to flannel sheets with those quilts thrown on top. Fall is definitely here now and I'm counting a warm sheltered home as a definite blessing!
Tammy ~@~
I love plumeria, Meyer lemons, beautiful quilts. Our lemons have yet to ripen--still very green. They make the best lemon pies. You've been in my prayers, swet friend. Love, Annete
As I read your post, my smile became bigger and bigger.
I have something I am so grateful for - the Lord putting you in my life...looking forward to the day we meet in person whether it's here or in heaven.
Love, Annette H
I LOVE the lemons! I'm grateful for you! I decided to join you all and it's been fun! I hope things are going well for you and your family. You're on my mind and in my prayers!
Love you,
Angie xoxo
Dragons battling on the counter. I love it. I find Star Wars characters at it all of the time.
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