This weather promotes laziness around here. (Don't tell Josh I said that. He has been working hard outside, keeping his plants and the yard in great shape.) I have to agree with Lori, however. It's really easy to become a slug. (Do slugs survive in hot, nasty weather? That might be an incentive not to be one. Something to thing about.)
There isn't a whole lot going on in the heigh-ho house right now. We are still adjusting to our school schedule. (Jessi went back to school Monday so we can now add her to the mix of new schedules and stresses.) Some of us are gearing up for the big game on Sunday. (Some of us are going to find a good book to read while the big game is on.) Daddy's getting ready to have his gallbladder stuffed and mounted. (I wonder if they really do that?) And Mom will spend her fiftieth wedding anniversary taking care of him. Other than that, we are plodding along. Being a little lazy, but mostly sticking to the course. (Speaking of courses, we are also apparently preparing for the Ryders Cup. It's a golf thing. I'm not sure what kind of golf thing but it involves lots of spectators.)
Well, I am off to scramble some eggs and wake some bodies for a brand new day. I hope yours is as ordinary as mine!
Cute dog! I am ready for fall too, hopefully it is around the corner. Have a wonderful day :0)
I am so ready for fall! You were among my first prayers this morning. I thought of Jessi and school starting and prayed for her peace. Things are back to somewhat normal around here too. I can't remember the day your dad is having his surgery so please let me know. I wished your mom had a better anniversary date planned. You all celebrate that milestone--it is huge. And the other thing I've been contemplating--are spring allergies or fall allergies worse? End of summer does seem to make me more draggy! What book are you reading on Sunday? Love to you, Annette
Yes, slugs thrive in hot weather, come to my front porch to see for yourself!
Hope your father recovers asap and your parents can have a nice celebration very soon.
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