Friday, November 7, 2008

The week in review...

Oh my, am I glad to put this week behind me. Not only for election purposes. (although as far as the election goes, I suspect that it's not really behind me but looming out ahead of me...but I'm not going there. ) I have spent four out of the last five days singing "it's not easy being green" as I battled a nasty virus (and yes, I did make it to vote. No death defying, toilet hugging bug will keep me from doing my civic duty, by golly. I'm sure the poll people were happy to see my little green self.)

I did make it to work today. (actually, I made it to work yesterday but came back home. See picture of death warmed over and put my name underneath. Gee, doesn't that make a girl feel good?) And now, it's the weekend! Where piles of dirty laundry, dirty dishes, and giant hair balls (did I mention that the dogs are shedding because our weather keeps fluctuating?) await me. I'm so excited. Add to the mix one grounded teenage boy and we have a recipe for nirvana. :)

Wednesday night, after Jonathan got home from church, I happened to pass fairly close by him and inhale. Then I sniffed again. He smelled like...girl! (at least his shoulder did.) I commented on it and he got this grin on his face and said, "yep." That's it. No explanation. No exposing the culprit, no nothing. When I told his sister to smell him (because we are a goofy family. and right now Jessi is saying, "speak for yourself, mom."), Jonathan said, "I smell like girl lots of times. I just change my clothes before you notice." This is not why he is grounded.

Thursday night, after drama practice, Jonathan reminded me that he needed his permission slip signed so he could leave school early next Tuesday. They have a HUGE Veteran's Day program at school every year and the Junior class sponsors it. So he has to be at school at 6:30. AM. And his mom has to be up at 5, baking a breakfast casserole. Anyway, since they come in early and they are all responsible and stuff, they get to leave early if their parents give their permission. So I'm sitting here, thinking that I need to have his grandfather pick him up early when he says, "Yeah, me and Giselle are going out to lunch." Um...what? "then she can drop me off at my house." Um...what? We're still negotiating the outcome of Tuesday. Because I am not entirely comfortable with aspects of this little adventure. But this is not why he is grounded.

He is grounded because he is currently failing two classes. And while I know that his grades fluctuate on a daily basis, he has had a failing grade in history for over a week now (but mom, the class is really really hard. Yes, son, I know. That's why we study.) His most recent addition to the failing grade express is an F in Bible. Because all students at christian schools should fail bible, right? (but mom, I didn't even know that I had a doctrinal statement due. Yes, son, I know. That's why we pay attention in class.) And let me just take a moment to insert here that spending the weekend with a sullen, grounded, bored teenager who needs a hair cut is as much a punishment for the parent as it is the teen. (I hadn't been home more than ten minutes when I heard my first, "I'm bored. I don't have anything to do." Might I suggest studying? Or cleaning your room? Perhaps a load of dishes, or some laundry. Let me tell you, little boy, you do not want to go there with me. )

Also, in all the excitement, I somehow missed celebrating my one year anniversary of my hysterectomy. Ick. Or hooray. Depending on how you look at it. (It's funny. The thought of being pregnant and having a baby at 44 seems a lot more appealing when it's a physical impossibility.) Anyhow, that whole surgery/neverending recovery period is what really started me down this bloggy adventure. So I guess it is something to be thankful for. Although after this neverending post, we might not be too sure.

well, the weekend is waiting for me so I'm off. I hope you have a wonderful one!


Jessi said...

But we love Giselle. I want to go to lunch with her.

Anonymous said...

I still have one question....Who is Giselle??!!!?? Is little boy growing up???

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I do hope you have a good weekend.....and feel better too! Celebrate that hysterectomy! I do every year ;)

Anonymous said...

I really hope you get feeling better!

Abba's Girl said...

In 1974 as I sat at home grounded I uttered the phrase I am bored...was I ever sorry, my mother made me scrub baseboards, sweep and mop the garage, all kinds of stuff. I learned my lesson...I kept quiet when I found myself grounded again.

Hope you feel better.

Love, Annette