Thursday, April 9, 2009

One of the wonderful things about living in a city that has an annual worldwide event is the fact that at least once a year they try to give it a good spring cleaning. This year has been a bit of a challenge though because of all the tree debris from the ice storm 73 days ago.

Apparently it takes a lot of effort to clean up 3000 miles of roads.

Anyhow, our local residents are thrilled that the mayor hired outside help to complete the task before May 2nd. The only problem now is that because of the quantity of debris, it takes large machinery to pick it up and haul it away.

Large machinery blocks roads.

Last week, when I was taking Jessi to the doctor (and we had left in just enough time to make the 30 minute trip), we found the road blocked with a backhoe, dump truck and other assorted items for tree removal. After waiting a few moments, I finally turned the car around and sped off in an alternate route.

However, I found myself in a slight quandary.

I couldn't decide if I should be irritated by the inconsiderate little men who blocked the road or thrilled that someone was finally removing the large piles of brush gathered at the side of the road. (Seriously, it looks like a bundle of beavers have moved to Louisville.)

I finally decided to be thrilled. I did feel bad for all the soon to be homeless beavers in our fair city though. Oh well, I'm sure there's a spring storm just around the corner.


Abba's Girl said...

People from Houston to Beaumont know the thrill of debris removal...there is a giant hill of mulch one neighborhood is waiting to be moved, apparently it was made out of a couple hundred downed trees...

annette said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. Annette H. does too after the storm last year. We were never so glad to see that debris removed and the "evidence" taken away. Soon Louisville will be in full gear ready for Derby!