The downside to being lazy is that you end up getting behind on all the little things that make a house run smoothly. (In which case we must always be running behind because "running smoothly" is not a word that I would associate with my house. Actually, that's probably not quite accurate. What passes for "running smoothly" at one house might be considered utter chaos at another. But we're not into the comparison thing. Probably because we're afraid that we won't measure up. Which is a topic for another day. And I am so far off point now that I don't remember what I started to say. Sigh.)
I think my whole point was that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and mildly frustrated this morning. And rather than unleash my mild frustration on my poor unsuspecting family, I decided to express my "overwhelmedness" here. Aren't you the lucky one?
So, I am dashing around, paying bills, trying to catch up on the dishes and laundry, get ready for my bible study class and plan to work late tonight. (No, really I am sitting here blogging about all the things I need to be doing. But really, I am going to be doing those things any minute. Really.)
Was my lazy day worth it? You bet. Would I do it again? Yep. Am I going to have a headache by the time this day is over? Not planning on it. Am I content in my circumstances? I surely am. It's a beautiful day out there and the laundry and dishes will still be here tonight when I get home. (Or maybe someone else will take care of them while I am gone!)
I wish you joy this day. Thanks for listening!
Oh, I can relate. It seems one day is productive and the next is lazy for me. I am praying you get much done and feel totally like Superwoman today, without a headache! Having a day off and having a productive day both have tremendous benefit. Love you, Annette
After my lazy Saturday spent sleeping and reading The Shack, I will have to race around the house to get it ready for Bible Study tonight. The lazy day was worth it.
Annette (the other one)
I swear, if I could come over to do your laundry and dishes I would! You are probably overwhelmed because you do so many sweet things for the people you love. I'm so honored to be one of them, Karen! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Love you,
Angie xoxo
Yes, I'm finding that I'm having to pay the piper for my lazy first half of summer...but it happens every year and then I kick into gear during the second half of the summer. But there are days like today where it sure would be wonderful to take a catnap! :-)
Tammy ~@~
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