Saturday, October 25, 2008

sunflower syndrome

I think it's going to take everything in me not to be grumpy, crabby or mean today. I just have that feeling.

And believe me, I have (mostly) legitimate reasons for feeling snarky.

However, it doesn't matter what my reasons are, being cranky is not a Christ-like behavior.

So I keep telling myself that I'm a sunflower.

Because sunflowers are happy, joyful, bright flowers.

I'll let you know how it goes.

So what do you do when you are feeling grumpy, crabby, mean, snarky and crabby?


Anonymous said...

Ice cream for breakfast seems to work for me. I hope you are feeling a bit sunnier now and I'm with you a big ol' sunflower sounds like a good plan today!
Love, Annette

Abba's Girl said...

I have one more cup of coffee and try to find something silly to read or watch a funny video...something like I Love Lucy, Keeping Up Appearances, Hogan's Heroes...just a couple of minutes of comedy usually does the trick...

Love, Annette