Tuesday, October 14, 2008

random ridiculousness...

You'll be happy to know that Jonathan is still struggling in his makeup class.

It is also spirit week this week. Biblical costume day has been cancelled because of concerns that it might interfere with concentration during achievement tests. Huh?

We are expecting lows around 42 this weekend. Those of you that know me and my house know that this means time to bring the plants in. We will be shifting things around to make room for the bazillion tropical plants that must come indoors due to the Kentucky fall/winter. (No, there's not really a bazillion. Just sixty or so. Give or take a few. I'll do an actual count once I get them all indoors.)

I am on vacation this week. In my house. And I am happy about it. Mostly. (there's that whole birthday thing looming on Friday. But that's okay. I'm getting pie out of it. And I like pie!)

I realized this morning that it's almost time to start fattening up for winter. Which led me to ponder whether or not I ever lost last winter's fat stores. Which is probably not something I ought to be pondering when I am eating a chocolate cupcake. (However, the fact that I am eating a chocolate cupcake might clue us in as to the answer to that pondering.)

It's still allergy season here. Just in case you were wondering. (I'm not wondering because we are still going through enormous amounts of kleenex on a weekly basis. Not to mention the sounds of sniffling and sneezing that echo throughout the house.)

And lastly (and not randomly), I thank you for your prayers this past week. While we have not totally resolved the issues that we are faced with, we are facing them with a strong, determined, peaceful spirit which I know comes from Him. If you are so inclined, I would appreciate continued prayer for wisdom and discernment as we continue to work our way through our issues. You all bless me.


Jules from "The Roost" said...

LOL at the fat storing! I have last years and the year before on me :)
Enjoy your cooler temps. I am still praying for ya'll too.

Abba's Girl said...

I have enough fat stored for 10 years of Arctic winters...alas I think this might be overkill for a resident of southeast Texas.

Will keep you and your family in prayer.

Love, Annette

Anonymous said...

I'm with you--no stinkin' cake. Give me PIE! Got an extra cupcake, though?
And allergies: have you tried the 12 hr. Claritin melt tabs? My daughter was on a prescription for allergies, and her doctor switched to Claritin, and those puppies work (and you can take them daily.)
And prayers--for you, my friend, and for your dear family. I know God is working, even in your title to this post--He's giving you strength and joy again, and I am thankful.
And I don't know what to say about J's makeup class, but I think it's okay too.
And birthday matters--also praying, but you might take joy in knowing you'll always be 7 years younger than a certain friend in Texas who will be there to "walk you through" things like picking out readers and such.
Okay I don't need to write a post today. I just did.

Love you, Annette

Gwendolyn said...

Oh...I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm so glad that I did! You have inspired me to realize that what I am doing right now as I eat this piece of apple pie is GOOD! Storing fat for the winter! Why did I not think of that?

Of course, the fact that I have not lost the fat stores from my last three pregnancies should not even be considered. LOL