We have been thinking about things at our house. A sudden set of circumstances has created several situations that require deep thought. (my, how mysterious sounding.) Situations like this make me wish that God sent telegrams or marque signs with flashing lights. "Turn Here", "This is not the one", "Don't touch that" "Yes!"
Anyhow, as we are deep in thought here at the Heigh-ho house, I thought I would rely on my dear friend, Winnie the Pooh, to express my thoughts on the whole thinking process. (Can you tell that I am over-medicated on allergy medicine and caffiene?)
"When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it. "
And that pretty much sums it up.
That is the best quote I've heard in a while! And one I need to remember. Hope you get your allergies cleared up and some peace of mind regarding your home! Love, Annette
You and your family has a great weekend, you are all in my prayres...
Plus tell Jess Happy Birthday!!!
I'm praying that the Lord will help you make the right decisions for your situation.
I hope you have a very happy Mother's Day!
I read that quote a couple of times and it's great! You always have a way of getting straight to the point with few words. I'll keep you in my prayers and...
Happy Mother's Day!
Angie xoxo
Much blessing and love tomorrow. Happy Mother's Day, Karen. Love, Annette
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