Friday, October 24, 2008

I am not much of a morning person. Truth be told, I am not sure that I am much of a late night person either. Or a mid afternoon person. I think my peak moments are like from ten to eleven fifteen in the morning.

Which is why it is such a surprise that this morning finds me cooking not only sausage balls for breakfast, but chicken for a crockpot dish for dinner tonight. It took me five minutes yesterday morning to realize that biscuits cook better in the oven rather than on top of it.

So, I'm not making any promises, folks. Although I did kind of cheat and make the sausage ball dough yesterday. (sometime between ten and eleven fifteen.) Because I knew there was no way I'd have time to do it in the morning.

Of course, given the fact that I am not much of a morning person, (I'm not crabby, I'm just a little unfocused) I probably should be paying attention to the stove rather than sitting here blogging. (That's okay, the smoke alarm will let me know if things get too out of hand!)

I hope you have the most glorious day!
(now someone just needs to make sure I turn on the crockpot.)


Jules from "The Roost" said...

At least you know your peak time ;) Have a great day!

Abba's Girl said...

Have a great weekend and blessed Sabbath. Are your sausage balls the type yuo make w/ Bisquick, cheese, and sausage? If so, feel free to fedex some to me....

Love, Annette

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

LOL!! I see from my son's blog you are a Sims girl as well. I never knew...But I only like the original Sims,not Sims 2 - too complicated. I'm pretty simple-minded, you know.

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

LOL!! I see from my son's blog you are a Sims girl as well. I never knew...But I only like the original Sims,not Sims 2 - too complicated. I'm pretty simple-minded, you know.

Anonymous said...

I'm meeting myself going and coming lately too. I go in the bedroom and forget what I came for, head back to the kitchen and realize I left my glasses in the bedroom, etc. Drives a girl crazy, or maybe crazy came first--that would explain a lot! Dinner sounds good. Love, A