Oh my goodness, great Aunt Betsy! It's going to snow! Batten down the hatches! No, wait, dash to the grocery for milk and bread, then batten down the hatches!
The all knowing, all seeing weather man has declared a snow emergency. We MIGHT get upwards of six to ten inches of snow BEFORE we get some ice. (sort of like "icing" on the cake?)
Of course, anyone who is familiar with Louisville knows that all weather is subject to the rules of the Ohio Valley bubble. In other words, the entire world might get snow but as soon as it approaches our side of the river, the magical bubble automatically shields the city from any precipitation. Which is really kind of disappointing for any child hoping for a snow day. (Or any adult that is hoping for a snow day from work for that matter.)
Anyway, the great snowfest of January 2009 isn't supposed to start until tomorrow evening, leaving the paranoid with plenty of time to fret and obsess about our impending snow-doom. However, I hereby pledge to keep you all informed about the progress of the approaching snow-venture. (and those of you who live in real snow areas, please don't laugh. We really are snow wimps.)
I would love a snow day!
Love, Annette
Yes, it's no coincidence that the girls from Texas chime in first! Snow has such a magic to those who have never held a show shovel. I am wishing you a warm fire and a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream, as you settle in for a long winter's nap? Stay safe and warm. Love, Annette G
Yes, they are calling for a CHANCE of some freezing rain here tomorrow night, and here in TX anytime they call for the least little chance you had better not need groceries!! The stores will be crazy tonight and tomorrow! Everyone stocks up for the end of the world! And chances are that we will probably get some rain and that's it.
My cousin in Dallas was called into work at 6a so the office could forward all calls and work to the Boston office, they were told they must leave work no later than noon to be off the roads by 1pm today. I dared him to drive home w/ the top down, he said no...
Did you get a snow day?
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