Instead, I got a phone call. One that every mother of a driving aged child hopes not to get. And while all car occupants are okay (thank you, Jesus!), my eldest child is unhappy and her car is...mooshed. I'm sure she will be rather graphic in her unhappiness on her blog but suffice to say, she and Brandon had just finished enjoying a delightful lunch when a big bad vehicle picked a fight with her sporty little escort zx2. And Jessi learned life lesson to deal with the insurance company when one is involved in an auto accident.

So, now that my heart rate has returned to normal, my box of kleenex and I (Josh got me some Puffs with lotion! My nose will be eternally grateful.) are going to take a nap. Another nap. Because we have the stamina of a three week old infant at the moment. I'm blaming it on the massive quantities of cold meds buzzing happily through my veins.
So...what kind of excitement has 2009 brought to your doorstep so far?
I suppose the only excitement so far is lunch w/ my parents today after a thrilling trip to the post office and a stop by the district clerk's office to pick up record copies for I guess nothing to thrilling...
Have you tried Sudafed Shower Shots?
Get to feeling better asap!
Love, Annette
Oh I didn't want to see that! My oldest just got his license! EEK!
Glad everyone is ok! Praise the Lord!
Oh that is tough for a young driver and tougher on the parents. Glad everyone is fine but the car...My middle child (grown up and in mid life) just totaled her car a few weeks ago. The hands of God protected her and the others involved but the car a mess. Praise God for his mercy!!! Hope you feel better, I found you via Nise.
Oh...praying for your cold...and praising God that no one but the car was hurt. We went through this a couple of months there ever a time that you can relax with young drivers...I guess that is why we pray over their comings and goings all the time.
Bless you all.
how many miles apart are we??
and i have the same thing over here
in trepid texas...
my nose won't stop...
i have on a stocking cap...
and plenty Puffs with Vicks to sniff...
my doctor called in an antibiotic
an hour ago---will let you know if it's bacterial then it will work, if not...back to the Puffs...
tried to sleep sitting up last night...
i'll pray for you!!!
happy new year (said really deep)
Umm... I hope this is the worst of your photos for the year! Glad you didn't take one of your wastebaskets or medicine bottles! :) I hope you are feeling better soon. This sounds like a nasty one!
Angie xoxo
p.s. I am glad Jessi is okay! Praise God!
Not a great start for a year, but it can only go up, I pray for you! Not fun to be a parent with those terrible calls. The only thing good about it is you hear their voice and know they're (a) alive and (b) breathing! Thank the Lord. Feel better soon! Love, AnnetteG
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