Some people are good at some things and some of us are not so gifted in those areas.
The last time I lit the gas grill, The Boy was about four years old. He was standing outside with me while I was lighting it. Suddenly there was a big BOOM and a flash of flame that singed my eyebrows and bangs. The poor child wouldn't go near the grill for months. I wouldn't either for that matter.
Anyhow, I've managed to avoid grill lighting duties for about twelve years. Until this evening. Josh has been encouraging me and had even given me step by step instructions last week about how to light this grill. He assured me that I was more than competent enough to operate the monster living on our deck.
So, I decided to be kind and go ahead and light the silly thing this evening so the potatoes could be cooking while he was on his way home from work.
I had him on the phone, giving me step by step instructions when POOF...a large orange flame shot out, lit the grill and engulfed my hand ever so briefly. I was surprised (to put it mildly.) My eyebrows and bangs are still intact and so is my hand...albeit a little "sunburned". And I'll be on another twelve year grill sabbatical.
Apparently grills are not in my area of giftedness. The Boy told be that he will be lighting it in the future. (Fortunately he's overcome his childhood trauma.) This is fine by me. I'll let the menfolk handle the grilling and I'll sit inside and look blonde. Assuming I can keep from setting my hair on fire.
What saved your bangs this time is probably the fact that you used a whole lot of hairspray in the nineties.
I'm gonna be bummed if you guys had something good for dinner and all I had was this Butterfinger. *keeps fingers crossed for leftovers*
I suspect you'll be bummed. Blame Nathan. He ate the leftovers. Actually, there are no leftovers. Except maybe some coleslaw. Which should go good with Butterfingers. I'm sure we'll find something for you for dinner. Have fun!
I leave the grilling duties to my husband. He's much better at it than I am. Although I always have to go out and make sure the food is cooked through. The poor man is color blind and he can't tell if the chicken is still pink inside.
Good idea, sit inside and look blonde... I think I'll do the same! Glad you are okay!
I do okay with lighting up the grill.....it's the cooking on the grill that I can NOT do. So, my hubby is in charge of cooking on the grill! I have a tendency to burn everything!!
I was traumatized over a pilot light in the 1980's, I decided that day in the attic - dead insect removal, lighting the pilot light, lighting the water heater and lighting the grill was man's work.
Glad your hand is only slightly burned and you were not injured.
Have a blessed day.
After being burned as a child I don't light things like that at all, other than in Utah I was the who lit the fire place and I did all the dutch over cooking, but those things are totally different from a grill...
Try as I may, I just can't get the knack of grilling :::sigh::: My husband does a great job of grilling which we all appreciate :-)
Tammy ~@~
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