Apparently, I am the only siesta who works in christian retail. Because we have had several stores call the last few days to have us ship these study books to their customers.
Here's the cool part.
Our receiver quit at the end of March. For a variety of reasons, we decided to wait to hire a new one until late July or early August. Which leaves me receiving most of the time. (along with my other regular stuff. I am a multi-tasker. Snort.) And in our store, the receiver also ships things out.
Yesterday, as I was getting ready to ship out these bible study books, I had an epiphany.

So, if you go to your local LifeWay store and ask for a copy of No Other Gods and they don't have it and have to get it from another store and they have it shipped to you and you look at the return address label and it says "Louisville, KY", just know that this siesta has prayed over that study for you. And I am so excited to get to be a small part of it with you!
(Mrs McKeehan would be so disappointed with that sentence. Sorry, Mrs. McKeehan!)
You may have shipped books to the Lifeway Store on the SW side of Houston for me. We ordered ours a little over a week ago. How cool...
Aren't you just so excited about this study. What a fabulous idea. I've got my book and can hardly contain my excitement about it. I was reading "Idols of the Heart" by Elyse Fitzgerald when Beth announced the new study. It felt like she planned it just for ME! I think God has something BIG in store for me. Not sure I am going to like it as I walk through ... but thrilled that He has found me worthy of such refinement.
There are a group of 9 of us doing the bible study. We had our first meeting last night! It was awesome and the food was great....God is already working in our hearts in this area!
God is so good. I can just imagine my book having your fingerprints of a prayer. I ordered the book, but didn't sign up as I am still not sure of my time commitment with the other stuff I'm doing. He sure blessed you with a sweet heart.
Love, Annette
That is awesome Karen, let me know when i'm there at work and I will pray with you...
Oh don't forget to remind me to put on hold for me...
Talk to you tomorrow...
I do wish would have been there yesterday...
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