Can I just say that?
Actually, first let me thank you all for your prayers. They are much appreciated. And I know that you will be happy to know that I have not gained weight from my steroid adventure. (Nor have I gained "excess facial hair" so far. Imagine my delight at reading that as a side effect.) I have actually lost a pound or two during this little escapade.
How have I done that, you might ask.
Or have you figured it out?
There's a giant clue at the top of this post.
Yes, folk, that's right. We're living on a merry-go-round here at the heigh-ho house. Or, to be more accurate, there's a merry-go-round going on in my little blond head. A faster, bigger, brighter merry-go-round than the one that usually runs there. And do you know what comes along with a spinning, whirling head? Why, nausea of course. (Sorry about that. I know some of you really don't like that word. It even sounds queasy, doesn't it? Maybe if we called it something happy, like "rainbow" or "sparkles" it wouldn't sound so bad.)
And I'm digressing. So, after three days of this fun house ride, I finally called the doctor. Or the lady who answers the doctor's phone. And she said, "Would you like to come back in to see the doctor?" And the whole time I'm thinking, "why yes, in addition to having the blessed opportunity to hand over another $80.00 for an office visit, I'd love to put myself behind the wheel of a multi-ton vehicle and hurtle down the road with a head spinning like a top. Sounds like a plan."
So, I am waiting for her/him/the pharmacy to call back. In the meantime, my life is more or less on hold. There is a wedding we are supposed to go to tonight and a graduation party tomorrow afternoon, not to mention the three days of work that I've missed. Because while I might ordinarily be a little loopy, a green, wobbly Karen is not customer friendly Karen. (While we're on the subject, if you don't mind saying a prayer for Mary Jane, we'd appreciate it. Our boss left Thursday for a conference thing and she is having to do his work, my work and her work til I get back on my feet.)
I hope you all are doing well. And really, I am doing okay. Just a little awkward at times. But apparently I am vastly entertaining as well. All that and a few pounds lighter? What more could a girl ask for?
Actually, I think I'd rather lose weight the old fashioned way. Your merry-go-round of the head does not sound fun. I hope you feel "stable" enough to go to the weekend festivities. Being sick isn't fun. Saying prayers for you. Love, Annette
I hope you feel better soon!
Ahhhhhh Karen, I don't like seeing you sick, plus we miss you at work...
I'm trying to keep the floor running ok so that MJ can do the office stuff... You are both in my prayers...
Karen, You are in my prayers.
Oh wow, Karen! I am sorry you are having a rough time!!! I hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy your weekend plans! You are sweet to have us pray for Mary Jane.
Love to you,
Angie xoxo
i love you! you are hilarious! even if you weren't i would still miss you much. Thank you for your prayers. I love Japan and the Japanese people. i am kinda starting to pick up some Japanese. Ummm,.... Good thing some of the college students speak english. can't believe it's already been a week. Bitter sweet to think i'll be home in 9 more. It'll go quickly.
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